Release Date: 24 October 2024 Genre: Animation Director: Senol Kilic, Latif Tekin
Star Cast: Charles Packard, Coleen Dorff, Henry Walker Plot: The adventurous story of the pet Koala Mannu and her owner who go on a voyage from Australia to Europe by ship to deliver a Golden Medallion and are encountered by several villains through the journey who want to steal the precious Medallion.
Release Date: 2024-10-24 Genre: Animation Director: Senol Kilic, Latif Tekin Star Cast: Charles Packard, Coleen Dorff, Henry Walker
The adventurous story of the pet Koala Mannu and her owner who go on a voyage from Australia to Europe by ship to deliver a Golden Medallion and are encountered by several villains through the journey who want to steal the precious Medallion.