New Release Release Date: 02 January 2025 Genre: Animation, Kids, Family Director: Lin Yongchang
Star Cast: Chris Boike, Patrick Freeman Plot: Vick is a programmer living in the big city who often has strange dreams about two bears and a magical forest. One day, his boss leads him to a client that offers Vick to restart his life as a simple logger, which he happily agrees to. However, this choice threatens the lives of the bears and the forest, leading Vick on a journey through space and time to save them.
New Release Release Date: 2025-01-02 Genre: Animation, Kids, Family Director: Lin Yongchang Star Cast: Chris Boike, Patrick Freeman
Vick is a programmer living in the big city who often has strange dreams about two bears and a magical forest. One day, his boss leads him to a client that offers Vick to restart his life as a simple logger, which he happily agrees to. However, this choice threatens the lives of the bears and the forest, leading Vick on a journey through space and time to save them.
1. Sonic The Hedgehog 3
2. Mufasa: The Lion King
3. Moana 2
4. Wicked
5. Baby John (Hindi)
6. Gladiator II
7. Marco (Malayalam)
8. Barroz (Malayalam)
9. Gunner
10. Kraven The Hunter